The Top Survival 15 Experts And Influencers To Follow

1) MeatEater or Steven Rinella: Steven Rinella is known for translating the hunting and fishing lifestyle to a wide range of audiences, he is an American outdoorsman, conservationist, writer, and television personality. What does eating meat have to do with survivalism?

Well, the overarching idea's conveyed by Steven Rinella are the principles of hunting various types of wildlife all over the world. Even if you are not a hunter Steven Rinella and meat eater are an advantage to anyone who finds themselves in nature and in need of a strategy to eat.

steve rinella meat eater

2) OutdoorLife Survival Section: OutdoorLife is a website that covers hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor activities. If you visit the "Survival" tab you will find detailed content regarding Survival advice, animal defense, natural disaster survival, wilderness living, and more.

3) Dave Canterbury: Dave Canterbury is the host of “Off The Grid” on the National Geographic Channel which tells stories of people who have chosen to live without electricity or running water in remote locations around the world. Bushcraft 101, Survivability for the Common man, and Advanced Bushcraft are among his published books that are incredibly valuable to any survivalists' or prepper.

4) Tom Brown Jr.: Tom Brown Jr has written extensively about wilderness survival and techniques for living off-the-grid both in print and on various television shows including “Man vs Wild” with Bear Grylls and “Survivorman” with Les Stroud. Tom Brown Jr., the most renowned Tracker in the United States, and a wilderness survival expert, who founded The Tracker School in 1978. There are now over 75 classes at the institution, split into eight curriculum tracks.


5) Cody Lundin - If you're looking for a survival expert with primitive living skills, look no further than Cody Lundin. His survival skills have been put to the test on shows like The Discovery Channel's "Doomsday Preppers" and "Dual Survivors." Cody offers courses and mentorship programs that will teach you everything from building shelters to gathering food. Cody is more concerned about long-term survival. He discovers ways to use nature for your gain. Instead of battling his surroundings, he works with them. Cody's methods tend to be so basic and effective, we admire his approach. Cody Lundin, who established the Aboriginal Living Skills School in Prescott, Arizona, in 1991, is a survival instructor.


6) "Bushcraft Survival" by Ray Mears: Bushcraft Survival by Ray Mears is an excellent book for anyone who wants to learn about camping and hiking techniques as well as how to survive in the wilderness. This book covers everything from beginner tips to advanced techniques, and it's packed with photos and illustrations that help make the information easy to understand. Ray Mears goes to some of the world's most extreme and stunning places, where he witnesses firsthand the survival strategies of numerous indigenous peoples.

7) Matt Graham - Matt Graham is as impressive of a survivalist. "Primitive skills" are his specialties. He also co-hosted the Discovery Channel reality show Dual Survival as a television personality. No joke, the guy is something else. He can build a shelter out of feathers and rope. He is respectful to land, the environment, and all living creatures along the way. He stops to appreciate nature while being a badass when it comes to survival techniques and "walking the walk".


8) David Goggins - Although this may surprise some, we had to include David Goggins strictly due to his mental strength. Goggins is an Ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author. He served in the Iraq War as a former United States Navy SEAL and former United States Air Force Tactical Air Control Party member. He's definitely someone to follow if you are embarking on the unknown and need to sharpen your mental fortitude.


9) Jocko Willink - Just as we included David Goggins, we can't leave Jocko off this list. As an ex-navy seal, and former member of SEAL Team 3 his mental fortitude is unmatched. Willink co-founded the management consulting firm Echelon Front, LLC and co-authored the books Extreme Ownership and The Dichotomy of Leadership (with fellow retired SEAL Leif Babin). Having spent time abroad in many life-threatening situations he is a great source to have in your arsenal to know how to remain disciplined, calm under stress, and think in a pragmatic manner when life throws you curve balls.


10) Jordan Jonas - As the winner of Alone season 6, Jordan put his survival skills to the test. Jordan is a survival expert with a history of wilderness adventure growing up in the Idaho country. As an adult, Jordan traveled to Siberia where he learned the firsthand art of surviving the rough and extreme conditions. There he spent a decade learning from nomadic reindeer herders and fur trappers.


11) Bear Grylls - If there's one survival expert that you can't leave off this list, it's Bear Grylls. Born in the UK and started his journey into outdoor survival while living on a small island in the South Pacific as a child, he has since gone on to become an experienced explorer, hunter, and Survival Expert. He has more than 20 years of experience as an adventurer. He spent three years in the British Special Air Service (21 SAS). There he improved his skills in; evasive driving, parachuting, explosives, trauma medic, unarmed combat, and jungle warfare training from the SAS. Although, he is a leading TV personality and the real survivor types think he's too 'Hollywood' nonetheless we can't knock his abilities and he is a must-follow for inspiration.


12) Les Stroud - Les Stroud, known as the Beast of British Columbia is one of Canada's most experienced and skilled adventurers. He has spent more than 25 years exploring some of the world's harshest environments, including Greenland, Patagonia and Africa's Great Lakes region. Les is a veteran survival instructor with over 20 years of experience training people in wilderness survival skills from both close quarters combat (CQC) and firearms safety.


13) EJ Synder - EJ Snyder is a 25-year military veteran who served in the Army as an Infantry and Airborne Ranger. He is highly decorated. At the age of 19, he enlisted in the military. EJ earned two Bronze Star Medals, the Legion of Merit, the Order of St. Maurice (Centurion), and over 40 other Medals and decorations while serving the Nation. EJ attended a variety of schools during his service in the Army, which boosted his range of talents and rewarded him with several honors throughout his career. He was deployed on training and operations all over the globe.


14) Joseph Teti - He is the Spartan Americana owner/instructor and Special Operations Veteran, co-star of Dual Survival on Discovery T.V. show, and a published survival tactical author. He is a survivor in the sense that he has survived brutal combat in Afghanistan and Iraq. Joseph has endured some of the harshest environments on the planet, from the jungles of Sri Lanka, to the deserts of Oman to the glaciers of Norway.


15) Kellie Nightlinger - Kellie is a Self-reliant explorer, captain, naturalist guide, and wilderness survival, instructor. She was the first casted on the survival show "Naked And Afraid" and proved she had the skills. One of the best resources Kellie offers is her YouTube channel where she has tons of content related to archery, making wild teas, cooking wild food such as muskrat, and more! She is a must-follow if you want to learn more about food preparation in the wild.


To wrap up, if you want to be a prepper and thrive in this crazy world we live in, then it is not enough to just follow the basics. You need role models that are true survivors of different types of disasters. Often, these survivalists come from rich backgrounds and have been through lots of adversities and hardships.

We have enlisted 15 people who are incredible examples of how every prepper should lead their life if they really want to succeed at becoming one too! These leaders share their stories on what they did when faced with natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and even wars! Use them as your inspiration and take steps today towards making your own emergency plans to ensure your family remains safe during an unexpected disaster.

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